free and best wordpress form builder plugins compared

5 Best WordPress Form Builder Plugins Compared

WordPress made it easy for everyone to build a website in just a few hours while fulfilling all the requirements and functions. And when you’re done with the basic setup, adding a contact form is essential. Here we are going to help you find out the best WordPress form builder plugin to make your journey easier.

You can ask- why to need this guide as there are lots of plugins available in the WordPress repository and all of them offer almost the same value?…

The answer is a Big No! You can’t choose any of them and these are not as good as they actually claim.

Surprisingly there are 1000+ free WordPress contact form plugins, you may easily get confused about which one to pick up. And you know- with features and functionalities; Google now considers your site speed as one of the most important ranking factors.

So, a plugin with low-quality code or a huge amount of unnecessary codes can directly impact your site speed or even break it down.

And that is exactly why we handpicked this awesome list of free contact form plugins for WordPress today showing the pros and cons of each solution for you.

Before we move to choose possibly the best form builder plugin, let’s see the benefits of using a WordPress contact form plugin in short.

Advantages of Using a WordPress Form Builder Plugin for Your Website

The main purpose behind adding a contact form is to generate quality leads. Yes, quality leads are the best-proven way to increase your sales, branding, and whatever else you want from your business. Check the below graph-

a short infographic that shows top 4 benefits of using form builder and lead generation plugins
Importance of Lead Generation through WordPress Contact Form

Check a few more benefits of using a web form for your website-

  • The easiest way for your visitors to reach out. But obviously not for spammers!
  • Reply faster and better with real people
  • Multifunctional & super useful for your business needs
  • Increases conversions and time-on-site
  • Helps to build a larger network
  • Decreases bounce rates and user losing rates
  • Less visitor disappointment and inconvenience

Inbound marketing getting more and more popular these days and lead generation is the main purpose for all businesses from inbound marketing. So that you can easily get a clear picture of the importance and advantage of a contact form that helps you get the leads.

5 Best WordPress Form Builder Plugins for You in 2023

free and best wordpress form builder plugins compared

These are the 5 best WordPress form builder plugins that our editors have picked up for you.

  1. WPForms
  2. Ninja Forms
  3. Formidable Forms
  4. Gravity Forms
  5. Everest Forms

So, How Did We Finalise The List of Top 5 Contact Form Plugins?

No, there’s no pushing or promotional obligation. We have checked each of the plugins separately. Researched and analyzed each one in detail. Collect expert opinions and user data. And finally, prepared the list.

Get a quick overview of our 5 best form builder plugins for WordPress from the below table.

NamesInstallationsIntegrationsLanguagesRatingsPro Version
Price Starts
Plugin Links
WPForms4+ Millions30+15+5/5$39Check Details
Ninja Forms1+ Million25+15+4.5/5$49Check Details
Formidable Forms300k+20+10+4.4/5$49Check Details
WP Everest Forms100k+15+10+4.8/5$49Check Details
Gravity Forms20,000+30+20+4.3/5$59Check Details
Best WordPress form builder plugins compared

Time to get all the details of these form builder plugins including features, addons, pros, and cons.

1. WPForms: Most Popular WordPress Contact Form Builder

WPForms- best WordPress Form Builder plugin

WPForms is a great contact form plugin that actually reshaped the way of creating advanced forms in WordPress for any of your purposes. WPForms discourages creating stereotyped forms with its super-fast drag-and-drop functionality, Ajax-driven one-page form building, and a large number of free tools.

If you are looking for a contact form plugin having a wide array of tools then WP Forms is a good pick for you. This form builder allows you to create contact forms, feedback forms, survey forms, and donation forms without writing a single line of code.

No matter what type of device you use, WPForms is always 100% responsive. It contains smart logic for fields like drop-down, radio box, checkbox, etc. to create complex forms.

You can also use conditional logic to create advanced, more organized, and user-friendly forms that you need. And of course, the form builder has 30+ free and paid templates to save you time.

It’s not just a form builder. As it comes with built-in analytics which lets you see the form views, conversion rates, form creator, and a lot more. WP Forms is available in 15+ languages and you can easily translate it to any other language you want.

WPForms Pros

  • Superfast drag-and-drop functionality
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Ajax-driven one-page form operation
  • reCaptcha for spam protection, multistep functionality
  • Form analytics and reports
  • Gutenberg compatibility
  • GDPR friendly
  • Ready templates to save time and effort
  • Prebuilt form templates.
  • Integrations with other popular tools
  • Plugin frontend is powered by WP User Frontend.
  • Email notifications for the admin.
  • 30+ form fields.

WPForms Cons

  • Simplistic and unattractive UI
  • Limited feature in the free version
  • The basic plan starts at $39

2. Ninja Forms: Easy yet Beautiful Form Builder for WordPress

Ninja Forms- best WordPress contact form
Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms is a full-fledged WordPress form builder plugin that enables you to build any kind of form you want with a set of smartly designed tools. And yes, it’s the 2nd most popular form builder solution in WordPress.

The user experience is good enough with Ninja Forms’ intuitive interface, but a lot of tools may overwhelm you at first-time use. Don’t worry, you will find everything under your belt with time and some usage.

Ninja Forms allows you to create complex forms with multiple columns and pages using conditional logic and publish your form using shortcodes. Also, you can easily add your form as a widget. Ninja Forms also comes with an army of prebuilt-ready templates to make your journey easier.

With the core features of the form builder plugin, you can also extend its functionalities using 25+ useful extensions. Ninja Forms is available in 15+ languages and you can easily translate it to any other language you want.

Ninja Forms Pros

  • Beautiful drag & drop form builder interface
  • Conditional logic to build custom form
  • Easy shortcodes to publish your form
  • 25+ Integrations with other useful tools
  • Email notification on each form submission
  • Fast form submission via Ajax
  • Easy report generation

Ninja Forms Cons

  • A little confusing for beginners (because of the many options and tools)
  • The Pro version is a bit pricey, the basic plan starts at $49
  • Limited feature in Free version

Formidable Forms: Purpose-Driven WordPress Contact Form

Formidable Forms- best free WordPress contact form
Formidable Forms giving 60% off! Hurry up. Coupon code: 10 million

Formidable Forms is an amazing form-building tool in WordPress that helps you create good-looking as well as complex forms. It also offers features like drag and drop builder, conditional logic, multistep functionality, and more.

With this amazing form builder, you can easily collect data from the forms, but the form builder will also provide you with tools to display that data. Formidable Forms specializes in building customized forms like Payment forms, registration forms, survey forms, directory forms, and more.

People behind the Formidable form declared that it is 100% Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) friendly. So that you can take all the advantages of GDPR, especially for European users.

And like other popular forms, Formidable Forms is also available in 10+ languages with the option to translate it into any language you may need.

And you can expand its functionalities with more than 20 free and pro extensions.

Formidable Forms Pros

  • Drag and drop builder functionality
  • Attractive visual styler
  • Lots of customized form types
  • Conditional logic
  • Multistep and multi-column forms
  • Display Form Data with views
  • Unlimited form email notifications and more

Formidable Forms Cons

  • Limited Features in the Free version
  • The personal primary plan is expensive like Ninja Forms, the basic plan starts at $49.

Everest Forms: Easy-to-Use WordPress Contact Form Builder

Everest Forms- Best Contact Form for WordPress
Everest Forms

The main purpose behind all WordPress forms is almost the same – lead generation and to get user responses as many as possible. And honestly, this is where the Everest Forms is perfect at. You will be able to build amazing contact forms and make more conversions with it’s easy-to-use interface.

Besides being able to build any type of form, you can get features like multipart forms, payment collection, Google reCaptcha, PDF form submission, responsive templates, etc.

This form builder also supports multi-column functionality and has 10+ built-in language support.

Everest Forms has 15+ integrations with useful tools to make your business journey easier.

Everest Forms Pros

  • Lots of features in the free version
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Editable form validation messages.
  • Shortcode Support.
  • 100% Mobile Responsive
  • Google reCaptcha to prevent spams
  • PDF form submission
  • Shortcode support
  • Responsive templates

Everest Forms Cons

  • The free version lacks some advanced features
  • The basic version pricing starts from $49

Gravity Forms: Promising WordPress Contact Form with Beautiful UI

Gravity Forms- best form builder form in WordPress
Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms also offers drag-and-drop form-building opportunities just like other popular form-builder plugins.

The special fact is that Gravity Forms is quite flexible and a full-stack WordPress form builder that enables you to build multi-page forms which is good, especially for surveys. The other unique functions include limited user entries, forms scheduling, etc.

With Gravity Forms’ advanced conditional logic from the pro version, you can make your forms more intuitive by showing or hiding certain fields you want. As a business owner, you need full control over what information your users enter in your forms, so this is obviously a great feature.

The important thing is- Gravity Forms is quite ahead of other popular plugins in multiple language support and essential integrations. Yes, Gravity Forms offers 30+ 3rd party integration and 20+ built-in language support.

Gravity Forms Pros

  • 30+ integrations
  • Drag and drop functionality
  • Multipage form building
  • Limiting user entries
  • Scheduling forms
  • Conditional logic
  • 20+ language support
  • 30+ form fields
  • Spam protection

Gravity Forms Cons

  • No free version available right now like other WordPress plugins
  • The premium plan is extremely pricy, the basic plan starts at $59

There are hundreds of popular contact form plugins in WordPress like Form Craft, WPUF, Contact forms 7, and more. If you feel these plugins mentioned above are not good enough for you, you can look for others from the WordPress repository.

Related article: Best WordPress themes to improve Google core web vitals score

Final Words on the Best WordPress Form Builder Plugins

The top 5 forms that we have mentioned here are pretty close in regular performance and functions. As we already said there are still some great WordPress form builder plugins that are yet to be included in this comparison. But we made it short to help you make a decision with ease as a beginner.

This is not our policy to say that a particular form-builder plugin is the best here. The preferences are different for different businesses and tastes also vary from person to person. We have just tried to draw a real picture with a detailed scenario based on real user data. Now, it’s your call to find out the perfect form builder solution for your own.

WPForms offers very limited functionality in the free version but you can get everything from its pro version at the lowest price.

If you want to use only the free version for your basic needs and don’t have any plan for the future, you can go for the free versions of-

  • Ninja Forms
  • Formidable Forms
  • or Gravity Forms

Did we miss something? Are we biased or is there any conflict in the article? Or do you have something to share here? Please don’t hesitate to share your opinion in the comment section.

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