Online Brand Monitoring tools

A Complete Guide to Online Brand Monitoring (Tips and Tools)

Nowadays, we’re living in a world of the internet and innovative technologies. Over here, everything is accessible to everyone owing to the availability of the internet.

Today, most of us don’t go to the markets and shopping malls to purchase our desired items. Moreover, due to the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, people are heading towards eCommerce platforms more often than not for buying their necessary products.

The brands that have a strong base of social media and online platforms are a step ahead of the other ones in attracting customers. 

In this context, Brand monitoring is one of the most vital aspects of online marketing and for the enhancement of a business enterprise. But, it is not an easy task at all.

Below, you will find a total overview and a useful guide to online brand monitoring tools and tips. So, let’s get started.

Why Can’t You Ignore the Importance of Online Brand Monitoring?

Monitoring the brand is the most vital aspect of maintaining the business of your brand. Now, you will get to know about the benefits of this online brand monitoring: 

1. For Enhancing the Attachment of the Customers within the Brand

It is always true that you will get good feedback if you serve well. Attracting customers is one of the most vital aspects of brand monitoring. 

Achieving a proper customer preference is the scope of your business in generating revenue consistently. Responding to the customer’s questions and queries timely is very important for maintaining the brand’s perception.

You need to keep records of these inquiries and customers’ problems by using the assigned tools. That is how you can earn the trust of the viewers and the customers. Indeed, it is the ultimate way to stand out as the best among the toppers.

2. The Implementation of Online Brand Monitoring as an R&D material

The best-operating brands across the globe implement this brand monitoring as a significant research and development Tool. Several types of research prove that the outcomes from the brand monitoring practice help in informing various strategic techniques and development. 

Therefore, make sure that you are implementing the best brand-monitoring tools to answer the questions thrown by the customers. 

Besides, the brands are continually searching for innovative ideas when you talk about improving the quality of the brands. 

3. Online Brand Monitoring Helps in Enhancing the Sales of the Products

Provided that the department is engaged in leveraging brand monitoring, you have a great possibility of assuring the reliance of the customers. 

Moreover, brand monitoring can help to spread the news of certain products rolling out in the markets. And it is not limited to only the publicity within the websites.

This aspect also applies to social media platforms. Overall, the work ethics here help assist the brand owners in the proper widespreadness of a brand. This assessment measure ultimately helps to increase the attraction of the customers towards the brand. Thus, the sales will automatically increase.

4. Improvising the Marketing Strategy through the Implementation of Online Brand Monitoring

With the help of brand monitoring, you can gain a lot of knowledge from the generated reports. Advanced tools such as “Mention” will provide you with data related to the overall mentions, statistics, social engagements, and many more. 

This information will enable you to improvise the marketing manager in strategizing their efforts for sales. Therefore, if you notice that your brand is only gaining popularity in some particular regions and attaching some new marketing policies and advertisements.

It is essential to take into consideration what the customers want these days. Because it is then, you can decide to advertise certain types of products that will attract customers when they are visiting your sites.  

5. Take Note of the Competition

By brand monitoring, you will also be able to know about the prevailing competition in the market. This will inform you about your next steps or how the policies should be for acing in the market. 

10 Online Brand Monitoring Tools for Your Business

Online Brand Monitoring tools

You may be wondering that monitoring your brand can be difficult but it is way easier than you might think. You can monitor your brand with some of the popular online brand monitoring software solutions.

Now, let us know about some of the most efficient social media brand monitoring tools that you can use for your enterprise:

1. Google Alerts

Google alert- Online Brand Monitoring tools
Google alert

It’s not just about navel-gazing whatsoever. Taking note of your audience should be the primary focus in your strategy to grow your brand presence among them. Often, we get so trapped within the marketing activities we do that we even forget to concentrate on the queries and reviews of customers.

With real-time insights at your fingertips, you’ll be tapping into public sentiment and even addressing problems at a private level before they snowball into something beyond your control. Turning an unhappy customer into a cheerful one benefits everyone involved.

Simply put, if you want a free tool for brand monitoring and don’t want to compromise on efficiency, you can implement Google Alerts. You can make alerts over here for the most widely used keywords that you want for monitoring.

On a macro level, you’ll stay ahead of the curve and pivot your business strategy to mark changes with greater agility than ever before. With Google Alerts, you can get ahead of the game on a macro level and pivot your business strategies to market changes with greater agility than ever before. Tracking mentions associated with your brand can assist you in discovering opportunities for link-building, collaborations, brand-building events, and many more.

2. Mention

Social Media Brand Monitoring - Mention

Mention is one of the most effective brand monitoring tools. This tool will enable you to track the conversations of the customers in real-time. By taking these into your records, you will be able to provide the customers with timely responses.  

With mention, you can easily improve your marketing impact, create a customer-centric product, improve your customer support and retention, increase sales, lead C-Level Strategy, and much more.

3. Brandwatch Analytics

Social Media Brand Monitoring - Brand Watch Analytics

Brandwatch Analytics enables the brands to discover relevant conversations about them, including online comments, engagements, reviews, and customer preferences. From there, you will know about certain limitations within your band and you can work on them.

In layman’s terms, Brandwatch marketing research is a superb tool for a better grasp of your global audience while providing your teams the tools to deep-dive right down to a selected list of individual users. the X-factor value of the tool comes from its advanced customization options.

Brandwatch offers trending topics analysis, and audience demographics breakdown, and illustrates the share of voice for you, so you can focus on insights instead of sifting through data. The platform also helps you create intelligent alerts that notify you of PR issues, marketing opportunities, and emerging market trends.

With very little time and creativity, you’ll be able to segment any data to suit almost any purpose, allowing you to make some truly deep reports and insights into the varied user data you’re looking into. If you’re looking to dive into the nitty-gritty of your audience while maintaining the functionality to make easy-to-know reports Brandwatch can be a wonderful platform to delve into.

4. Talkwalker

Social Media Brand Monitoring - Talkwalker

With over 2,000 customers and counting and over 10 years of experience, it’s safe to mention that Talkwalker is at the highest of the social listening game. Even with its lowest-tiered subscription plan, you can leverage your business enterprise smoothly.

With its listening engine hitting all major social networks, 150 million websites, print and broadcast media, plus a picture recognition that will find a logo even within the background of a video, there’s almost nothing the platform will miss. If your brand appears anywhere in any media, Talkwalker will find it and provides you with the type of insights that outline business intelligence.

Finally, this tool can give you the bigger picture of some statistics regarding the customers’ choices, responses, and queries. Moreover, this will help you in the proper management of the websites.

5. Hootsuite

Online Brand Monitoring tools - Hootsuite

Hootsuite will enable you to create customized streams to monitor the social media content and organize them for you in the tabs. Thus, it becomes easier to keep records of the data. You will be able to make various kinds of streams, which include retweets and mentions.

It collaboratively performs campaigns across various social networks like Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. It lets users launch campaigns from one unified dashboard.

No matter the size of the business, it can suit all business needs as it offers various functionalities for reporting purposes and measurements such as audience engagement, analytics, and account security.

It enables the users to share data and access rights without the sharing of passwords and manage several contributors. Users can work with social streams, columns, and tabs alongside the option of choosing from various design themes.

In Hootsuite, messages are often delegated to the team and their progress is often monitored. Additionally, users can select the date and time that messages are going to be sent out. the utilization of brand name and industry terms is often tracked to collect more intelligence and prepare analytics reports.

6. SEMRush

Social Media Brand Monitoring - Semrush

When it involves competitor analysis, no tool can beat SEMRush. It can assist you to discover new competitors, and also provide insights about their keyword targeting, advertising strategies, backlink strategies, and more. you’ll also compare domains side by side to ascertain common and unique keywords.

SEMRush comes with a number of other tools to assist you in optimizing your SEO strategy and finding new opportunities for standing your brand from the crowd. It’s an excellent tool to assist you in uncovering keywords, competitors, and more that you simply didn’t realize would be valuable to trace in the first place. Plans start at $99.95/month.

7. Buzzsumo

online media brand monitoring tools - BuzzSumo

Buzzsumo is a very efficient tool for keeping track of the articles that are related to the blogs. It’s beneficial because of the inclusion of social media stats and others.

Developing good content means you would like to try tons of research and sometimes it will be a dubious process albeit you’ve got all the tools. Hopefully, BuzzSumo is one of those tools that make the method of content research much easier and far more insightful in only a few clicks.

It is tailored to do competition analysis, backlinking, content research, and outreach research. BuzzSumo is comparatively easy to use and you do not get to tackle with many toggles so as to urge a semblance of a result. It saves tons of your time and provides you with honest protection from content-related headaches.

All you would like to try to do is insert the words of interest – look around the stats and inspect what’s up within the list.

Finally, it takes so much time to get used to it and it can be really rough in some places which may be a significant deal breaker. Pricing also may scare buyers but it’s totally worthwhile.

8. SparkCentral

online media brand monitoring tools - Sparkcentral

Sparkcentral is another customer service tool that monitors customer service inquiries your brand received from different social networks and uses automation features to route these messages to customer service representatives.

You are always good to go with this tool to provide better performance for your customers by responding quickly and resolving inquiries on your customer’s favorite social media platform.

9. LexisNexis

LexisNexis- Online Brand Monitoring tools

LexisNexis will help you in the monitoring of millions of contents that are prevailing on the net. With the help of this, you will keep records of all the related content even from radio, newspapers, and others.

It is super user-friendly, especially since it’s extremely easy to set up searches and alerts/newsletters. It contains a useful help page that displays all the Boolean operators so you will be able to finetune your searches. It has really wide news and publication coverage from around the world, which is sweet once you got to monitor a good range of issues/news.

Its program is effective and may obtain relevant articles using keywords that we are trying to find.

However, the solution is often costly as you would like to pay to look for articles beyond 90 days (and even then there is a limit on how far back you’ll search), and if you would like to possess many newsletters (above the essential number) to send articles to your users. There’s also a limit of 25 max licensed articles that you simply can send the complete text on email.

10. Sentione

Sentione- Online Brand Monitoring tools

Sentione is a brand monitoring tool that takes sentiment tracking and brand monitoring to the next level by using amazing artificial intelligence features. You can easily keep track of what others are saying regarding your brand across various media or simply through the entire internet.

Such data-driven analysis gives businesses actionable insights necessary in making informed decisions and in bettering audience engagement. Pricing starts at $59/month for a basic account.

Keywords You Need to Track for Brand Monitoring

brand monitoring - keywords

There are specific keywords that can help you in improvising the brand monitoring if you keep records of their tracks:

  1. Branded keywords or hashtags
  2. Event hashtags
  3. Hashtags within the products
  4. Name of the popular products
  5. Branded
  6. The most common terminologies, hashtags, and trends

If you can track these keywords, you can surely boost your business. Therefore, you can also create a good impression among the customers of your brand.

Online Brand Monitoring on Social Media Aspects

We live in such an age where we cannot pass a single day without monitoring our social media accounts. Besides, we always try to keep ourselves up-to-date about the newly innovated things in the market. 

Like, we notice the brands’ social media reach and engagement before deciding to purchase anything from them. 

So, when you should emphasize the social media reach? You can also implement different marketing strategies to maximize the popularity of your brand among people. 

This will help to gain more attraction from the people. Thus, brand monitoring takes care of the social media aspects correctly and with efficiency.


Today, it might be easier to create a brand. But it is not that easy to grow and maintain popularity properly. Different factors come with it and depend on it. And brand monitoring fits this situation perfectly.

More often than not, you may be searching on the net to find ways to monitor a brand. And we hope this article has helped you a lot in this regard. Thank you for being patient.

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