WordPress Gutenberg Editor- Learn Everything You Need to Know

Gutenberg is a revolutionary visual editor that was created as a core part of WordPress to change the way content is produced in WordPress. Gutenberg was created as a standalone plugin until it was pre-installed in the WordPress 5.0 update. In older versions of WordPress, it can be installed as a standalone plugin but in…

medium vs wordpress

How to Transfer Your Posts from Medium to WordPress Successfully (5 Steps)

Undoubtedly, Medium is one of the most popular free blogging platforms that allow users to create stories. They also give free space on the web for free. Sounds like WordPress, right? Well, WordPress is also a content management system that is completely open-source and provides similar services to Medium. However, WordPress allows you to host…


A Guide to WordPress Taxonomies and Permalinks Settings

Chances are high that you already saw or used both Taxonomies and Permalinks but don’t notice that they are named Taxonomies and Permalinks. If you’re thinking biology, you’re correct. But taxonomies have a slightly different meaning in WordPress. The basic ideas behind WordPress Taxonomies are identical. Since the two fields are completely different, the practical…

How to add custom user roles in WordPress

WordPress User Roles and Settings Explained: How to Customize User Roles

This is a phrase used to specify the activities or operations a particular user is permitted to carry out on a WordPress blog or eCommerce website. User roles are predefined WordPress roles that can be assigned to WordPress users to give them privileges on the site. The user role of each user determines the kind…